Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jigglypuffs Galore!

Over a couple of days I've been looking for facts on Jigglypuffs. And what do you know,I found some more! Did you know that there are more girl jigglypuffs than boys?Weird right! Ialso found out that Jigglypuffs are stronger than Wigglytuffs (their second stage).

if you have questions about jigglypuffs you know where to find me!

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Blogs


Hello out there all you Jigglypuff clan fans. I have been searching for blogs over a couple days and found some EXTREME blogs you guys should REALLY go to. www.teenblogger.blogspot.com and www.werewolfsblog.blogspot.com

Peace out til next time!

The Pink fluffball that everyone loves

Most people have heard the name Jigglypuff. A Jigglypuff is a cute little pink flufball on the show Pokemon. Be careful around them their singing is beautiful, but deadly. Once you hear their singing you shall fall under the spell which makes you sleep.